The gastrointestinal tract measures 5 to 9 metres in adults and is responsible for the consumption, digestion and absorptions of all the nutrients the body requires. As it is vitally important to keep our bodies well fed and functioning, we all need to look after our gastrointestinal tract well.
It is probably not surprising that many people will at some stage in their life have issues with their digestion. Thankfully many of those are not serious and do not require any treatment. Studies have, however, revealed that nearly a third of people will have at least a degree of irritable bowel syndrome for example. Thankfully many of those patients do not have serious conditions and do not require any treatment.
Those patients who experience more severe or disturbing problems need a thorough assessment, so that tailored advice and when needed treatments can be given.
The right diet can make all the difference, but when it comes to eating the right things a one-size-fits-all approach often doesn't work. I aim to give individual advice to take into account the personal situation for each patient.
Recently there has been a lot of interest into good bacteria, so called probiotics. Whether, when and how they might help is not easy to answer. I aim to give individual advice when probiotics can give benefit.
I also provide detailed advice and long-term care to those patients with longstanding gastrointestinal problems.