Dr Christian Selinger, MD MSc FRCP Edin, is a Consultant Gastroenterologist practising in Leeds. He runs a busy NHS service. Dr Selinger also provides clinical assessment, endoscopic diagnostic and therapeutics services as well as medical treatments for private patients. This website provides information on his practice. You will also find advice and information on a range of gastrointestinal illnesses.
I strive to provide personalised medicine taking into account your personal circumstances, your individual symptoms and the newest available medical evidence with the aim of delivering care tailored to your personal needs.
My broad and in depth gastroenterology training forms the basis of my practice. I attach great importance to a personal relationship with our patients. Whether in the outpatient clinic or the endoscopy suite, you will always feel you are in good hands. In the following pages you will get to know about Dr Selinger and the other members of the practice team. This is also where you will find all the important information about our consultation times as well as useful tips and services.